Hmm, good ideas there. Was that the Wurtec S3 analyzer? I'm not fond of it, because it has high impedance inputs, that can't tell the difference between just noise, and a bonafide high state. Wurtec was designing a new analyzer, last I talked to them, and I asked them to include the option of drawing just a little test current on the inputs, so it won't be fooled by noise.

That's an interesting situation you had there, where the car is trying to level up, but hitting the top normal limit. I've seen 'em where they won't make the floor, if the limit is set too tight, but never seen it generate many relevels. Cool, thanks.

Here's another clue, that came to light during long marathon periods of observation.

On the rare occasion it was still hot when I got there, and I'd reset it, it would run on automagic just fine, but every couple of minutes, you would hear it relevel. Seemed to taper off after a couple of hours. (Yes, I sat there in front of the controller until my butt had a Home Depot bucket halo permanently imprinted on it. Too much info? Ok, right) Noticed tiny air bubbles seeping through the jack packing. Never releveled when reset after sitting for a while.

If I give too many clues, you won't have the fun of solving it, but it could get stale if I don't offer evidence that would be evident if you yourself were working on it.

This one threw me for a loop, because there was actually two separate problems, that both caused the same relevel/MLT symptom. Solved one first, then got a crushing dose of humility, when even after fixing one problem, the exact same fault did not go away. It was really strange, becuase I found a definite problem, that could absolutely cause that fault, and it had been identified and corrected. Yet it had the same exact fault again! Defied common logic!

You want more clues? Or is this pace about right?

Before I forget, there was another hydro issue where there were a plethora of door zone faults, always at the top floor. Oh, yeah, another one that ran with the doors open! Scary sh*t. And another one that blew the entire buildings' instantaneous circuit breaker, intermittantly. They're coming back to me old friends, are the battles won.

Last edited by Vic; 05/04/11 04:33 AM.