Glenn, are you talking about the DMC door board 6300EH1 ?

It has two microcontrollers, U6 (pulser) and U7 (Control).
Control takes care of read all sensors and communication, while the Pulser takes care of motor control through the optocouplers and IBGT large transistors.
Both are microcontrollers (Motorola) MC68701US4S-1, ceramic body with windowed eprom (2kBytes), they can be erased (under UV) and reprogrammed.
A decent eprom programmer may have those chips in the list of chips it can work on.
The 68701 has no lock capability, so it is easy to read the code, Motorola started to implement the security on 68705.

Why do you think the chips were wiped out?
There are so many components in this board that can fail and make the board acts as dead.