
E401 hall call buttons

Posted By: scampbell

E401 hall call buttons - 10/15/17 09:29 PM

For the E401 controller, were the hall call buttons not serial? From the print I have it appears as though they are wired floor by floor, see my pic below. Is this correct?

Posted By: uppo72

Re: E401 hall call buttons - 10/24/17 06:48 AM

I had a quick look at those prints and they do look like they are hard wired, but it is a little confusing as to how they cancel. From what i see they hold via the cap, zenner and diode circuit but not sure how they cancel. It is linked into the hall gongs, so maybe there is a shift in phasing somehow. Rolly is probably the best to ask. Wouldnt mind this myself.
Posted By: scampbell

Re: E401 hall call buttons - 10/27/17 01:54 AM

Yeah I had a quick conversation with Rolly he has seen serial versions, but it depends on if it's a modernization job. Without a serial interface though, the hall buttons almost certainly be hard wired inputs which is what's shown. The 8400 (series 1) buttons were used with the E401, 31VDC. The series 1 were used with LRV-3 and LRV-4 but they use tone communications not serial. I'm fairly certain the two pieces you would need for serial is a serial interface group board and the group remote serial comm stations. Not sure if the group fixture I/o board can do serial inputs or if you have to wire into the group dispatcher board for serial hall calls.

All Otis stuff to my knowledge now has gone to 4 wire serial with 2 30VDC power and a communication twisted pair. Old elevators had tons of wires
Posted By: uppo72

Re: E401 hall call buttons - 10/27/17 09:47 AM

So how does this cancel calls? It doesnt seem to show this.
Posted By: spanky

Re: E401 hall call buttons - 10/28/17 02:10 PM

reference the photo in post one.

Two IO's are shown for each button on the print. The button grounds the input, which latches a register bit associated with the call in software in the group controller, and then the software latches the output on an IO board in the group controller to keep the lamp in the button lit... all this, so long as at least one car is in the group, available to answer the call.

The call itself is latched in the group software until a car responds by updating it's car position to that floor, and tells the group controller it's answering the hall call. This is what cancels the caall. The car communicates to group controller via serial comm.

The only way you see this in software is looking at the RAM address associated each particular group of calls, and decode the bit pattern in your head. Each bit represents a specific hall call. Otherwise, you can monitor the hall call test on a PC or OMT depending on what's available to you.
Posted By: scampbell

Re: E401 hall call buttons - 10/29/17 11:07 PM

Ok great, thanks for the details spanky it makes a lot more sense now.
Posted By: uppo72

Re: E401 hall call buttons - 10/31/17 06:45 AM

Originally Posted By: spanky
reference the photo in post one.

Two IO's are shown for each button on the print. The button grounds the input, which latches a register bit associated with the call in software in the group controller, and then the software latches the output on an IO board in the group controller to keep the lamp in the button lit... all this, so long as at least one car is in the group, available to answer the call.

The call itself is latched in the group software until a car responds by updating it's car position to that floor, and tells the group controller it's answering the hall call. This is what cancels the caall. The car communicates to group controller via serial comm.

The only way you see this in software is looking at the RAM address associated each particular group of calls, and decode the bit pattern in your head. Each bit represents a specific hall call. Otherwise, you can monitor the hall call test on a PC or OMT depending on what's available to you.

This makes sense now as there is no other way to latch or cancel. I am assuming the RED connections are the serial data ribbon cable for latching the buttons and gongs? Its been 15 years since i worked on E401's.
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