Originally Posted By: kiwinightstalker
why do people INSIST on getting non proprietary stuff....how many times on here is someone asking a question of a company that went out of business with NO backup etc....MOST of the major companies have been around or 100 years so that must mean something!!!!...and nowadays anyone can get the info if they know where to look or who to ask on the proprietary stuff anyway.

Unfortunately not every company creates products that are equal, at the end of the day it is the quality of service provided that matters most. One really need to take a long look at what best suits the customer, not what best suits the company.

In general the bigger companies provide a superior product,and the non props provide a cheaper product. In general going with the OEM means you are stuck with them as your sole option for service. So like I said it ultimately comes down to how well the company you choose treats you as a customer.