Thanks for the kind words guys, I must say that it is easier to talk about compounding a generator then it is to do it, as are most things in life. I love being able to walk into a machine room and compound a generator within a short time with no problems, but then there is always the generator that won't cooperate. What do you do then? Is the problem the generator, the motor or something else? Even after 25 years in the business, calling the boss to say pull the generator because it won't compound still leaves you with an empty feeling in your gut. What if your not right? Was the motor the problem? Was there something you overlooked? In my experiences, even if the motor is slightly grounded and the generator is slightly grounded pulling the generator first usually does the trick. We have had quite a few generators that go to the rewind shop for cleaning and still won't respond when installed. Usually the motor shop will say nothing is wrong with the generator and you must prove them wrong. When this occurs I will run another car with the suspected generator to prove who is right. Once proof is obtained the generator is usually fully rewound to cure the problem. Lucky for you young guys that mg sets are fading away with the installation of ac motors. No more nasty carbon to breathe and bring home for your wife to wash . Ahhhh to be young again