Originally Posted By: E-man

Not trying to hijack this thread but I'm curious about say doing an Automatic Hoistway Scan (Learn trip/Floor Height Update etc..). What else needs to be done? NTS and ETS? I usually look at the FCP's, write them down then perform a scan. What would the "proper" procedure be?

Car at first landing. Turn the car on inspection. NTSI then ETSI. TBSS and then yes. Cycle power. Then I run back up scan manually using the TBS command. Run car to top then back to the bottom. Then use NTST and NTSB make sure you have good information. Then WRT. That covers you NTSD and ETSD systems. Then a hoistway scan need to be ran to cover you floor positions and checks your directional limits. Going off of memory Ill have to check my notes in my computer bag if im missing any commands or steps.

Ill have to check my logic flow chart to see what the CPU needs for SAF3 cause its controlled by the CPU.