You wont be able to scale up your own personal tools. There is a set standard of the few you are personally allowed to own for a very good reason. Who would want to lose their job because some apprentice has money and brought in a 2000 dollar snap on kit to work, over someone with less money who has a tape, channies, and a screw driver. Believe me the companies love to push apprentices as far as they can, and it WOULD make a difference somewhere. This simple rule keeps the playing field even for all apprentices.

Dont worry solution, mechanics are required to have 2 of many of the common tools for this reason. Most mechanics have a helper bucket or tool bag setup already and if it lacks something you feel you need to perform your job better, ask about it. I dont know one single mechanic who wouldnt go get another tool, Crap we usually look for excuses to buy new stuff, lol.