Didn't realize you had plumbing/electrical outside of the coast guard experience also. No wonder you ranked so well!

I was going to interview with the IUEC during last years recruitment but I probably would have failed the interview by simply not having any applicable experience at the time (had just gotten into IBEW).

It's nice knowing these guys can be so selective, there is really no point to joining a union if it doesn't have strength/power after all. I really want to go to work with guys who have pride and enjoy their jobs. I work with some really poor attitudes and it brings me down, I'm hoping by joining the IUEC that problem is mitigated a little.

What have you been doing in the meantime Vet? You better keep us informed after you get hired, I've already resigned myself to a 4-10 month wait so I'll need to live vicariously through you.