Originally Posted By: koss
Car going off on up,,sounds like either valve block is needing looked at, or dodgy contactor,,,can't be governor as only work on down,,and can't be rupture valve either as same,,then again,,,if guys have been working on it, and it goes off again, I would be asking serious questions as to why the can't find out what's going on,,and keep pushing them,,indeed, tell them to get their technician in,,as long as they pay for it!

Yeah I agree. The pause when levelling in sounds like its levelling in really slow. You could prove this by either do what we have for centuries and that is just staring at the job for ages or fix a temp camera on record on the car to record movement( have done this on a really intermittent fault!!). It sounds like the levelling valve but then again if the down is ok when levelling that seems maybe not( if it is common to both directions). Is the up stop transducer functioning? Is the lift actually level and the doors aren't just opening?

It also sounds like 2 faults really. When you say safties I take it you mean safety gear? It seems to me it shouldn't take all day to get these out unless they are really slamming in or are right at the top of the shaft. Its usually quite easy to bump it up to unlock them. What about burs in the rails or loose rails as well?

Finally I would suggest you have a comprehensive lift contract as in this way they are obliged to attend for free to all callouts and it wont cost you a cent.