
I have a problematic old U.S. Elevator. It was installed in 1982, serial number 15-136-19076. It is a 3 stop. I have some prints, but it appears to have a page or 2 missing. I can not find the landing system on any of the prints I have. Also this elevator is @ 500 miles from my office. Several months ago it was having a problem, if you give it a call to the mid or upper landing it will get stuck in a loop running top to bottom without opening the doors until it finally stops at the bottom. I cleaned all of the vane switches and adjusted the vanes, and tested all of the hoist way switches, that didn't help. Next I pulled every ice cube relay one by one to inspect the contacts and pins. I did find a couple pins that were bent and possibly not making good contact. After doing this I could not make it fail. It has ran with no problems for the last 6 or 8 months. A couple days ago the client called in with the same problem once again. I'm headed down there next Monday and just wanted to check in here to see if anyone has relevant prints and possibly dealt with this issue before. What I posted above is all the job specific info I have on hand. They have asked us to quote a modernization, but in the mean time they need to use it.
Thanks in advance