Just had it happen, ghost calls, car and hall calls. WTF....Checked PC to 24D 27.2vdc, SC to SP 5.08vdc, PC to 9vd 15.9vdc. Didn't think it to be cracked bases, unless some jerk beat up every button. Got a rack of card's available, so I'll start there. Nope that really changed things for the worse, SC to SP 5.06vdc. Car now wont answer any calls, as a matter of fact it only runs up when the hall call on the bottom floor is pushed??? Start putting old boards in one at a time till that goes away. Back to ghost calls, thats better. Car now goes to 2 then down to 1 then up to 2 and the door are jacking off. Is this the real problem? It only does it on 2. Go check DCL, barely making, check door linkage, adlust it back to where it belongs, yeah thats it, nope still jacking off until it got a demand to run, then it would answer that call and go back to 2 and you guessed it. This car has no homing. While in the door op I did notice that the gate switch contacts had moved to the outside of the ring, of course they where loose, adjusted them to make at close. To conclude, the gate switch was the problem all along. It quit going back to 2. Getting a new rack of cards as these can't be trusted any more. My option card has 6 slots but the rack only needs 3. Did they ever make a 6 slot controller?