I experienced a similar problem with an Otis replacement jack assembly. When the jack was installed, there were several vertical scratches running in lengths about 2-4 feet. Oil usage was excessive-to the point where it the drain line from the head of the jack wasn't able to keep up with demand when relieving it into a scavenger pump. We installed a piston sander and allowed it to run for several weeks, and then re packed the jack.

All was good for about 2 months-oil consumption was very reduced and the pit remained dry. Then a service call revealed oil all over the pit and first floor sill. The elevator had pumped all of it's oil into the pit. After the car was hoisted out of the pit, the culprit was a blown packing. It had fractured in a line around the circumference of the packing. It was determined, after consulting with Texacone, that it was a faulty packing, and unrelated to the earlier jack issues. Another packing was installed, and for well over a year the unit has been trouble free.

As long as your service provider takes appropriate action to correct any issues, this shouldn't become a long term issue. In our case, we were willing to stand behind the product and correct any issues, with the ultimate goal of making the customer happy through whatever means necessary.

Good luck.