Agreed the companies are taking the industry in the wrong direction, or is it the (un-)natural flow of current economics? This has been the slow slide for about the last 10 years or so. Customer relations between the route mechanic and the bldg. contact person is a big part of what needs to be cultivated and nurtured for the overall "service provider" relationship to work even if somewhat. The office doesn't see the customer in the same light as I do, and as was said, it seems the office has been instructed or coerced (by the suits) into trying to charge for nearly everything. Obsolescence claims on older products are at times unfounded, and it's up to Mr. Customer to believe us or not. That's their business, but the trouble is...I become an unwitting partner in the scheme, and that's where we part. It's a sad day when guys with 15 years to go are wishing "they could retire" citing office shenanigans as a birthing point of their wish to go early. As we see more of the decent office managers who came from the field retire, the situation will deteriorate even more I believe. Well, times getting short, that's all I've got on this one for now, and I'm not really sure what even compelled me to write.
Have a good day gents and work sake. And can only do what you can do in 8 hours no matter what they say.