Interesting point about pride. Some of us in the industry still have it if just but a fragment left. In 10 more years it may well have become a myth. We do our best to not only do the job the best we can, we are (read I am) the advocate for the customer when needed, and then we (read I) switch to the companies defense when yet another customer seemingly wants to take advantage of them. Cah-ray-zeee stuff. I do remember what it was like early on. I had a co-worker tell me recently my problem is I remember what it used to be like. Dayum...he's right!
I, just like every elevator person wants to finish the race, integrity intact, and knowing I did as well as I could with what I knew, and what I learned, and how I put it all into practice.
And hey JK...the best part about all that disgustedness?...we endure and continue on, if only for but 24 more months. YEEHAWW!