Never against our Brothers but the other Trades were fair game.

Working a job a hundred or so years ago when the plaster boss informed us he wasn't going to clean up our car & cwt frames sitting in the pit. "Not in my contact' You guys should have covered it up before I went to work. Guy was a real dick. The next day my mechanic showed up with a small paper bag. Asked him what was in there and he said "Just watch" about that time the gut wagon had shown up so all the trades headed for their "Minimum Daily Requirement" of a substance known as "Textured Vegetable Protein" combined with some type of meat that the FBI crime lab in Washington DC has been trying to identify for the last 20 years. It gets all wrapped up in flour tortilla in a factory over in the "City of Industry" and sent out the back door as a Ramona Hand Wrapped Burrito. Well anyway back back to the story. John said said "come on" we headed to ware the plaster guys were working and there sat a full wheel barrow of brown coat. John dumps the contents of the paper bag and told me to mix up up with one of the hoes that has two holes in it. Off to lunch, what was in the bag I asked John, his reply with an ear to ear grin, "Rye Grass Seed."