Hello, I am hoping to get some advice from the experts on this board. My apartment building has a passenger elevator and due to construction, it has been used as a freight elevator for the past 3 years. The building is a 7 story building and the upper unit has had a 3 year long gut renovation, so our elevator has been working nonstop, hauling heavy equipment and demolition material. We have had major elevator troubles with the drive and rollers malfunctioning. My question is this, what are the repercussions of using a passenger elevator as a freight elevator for 3 years? My amateur opinion is that increased number of cycles, the heavy weight, the unbalanced loading, and the demolition dust has taken a heavy toll. What parts are vulnerable and what can we expect for the total whole life of the elevator? Will this period of overuse mean that we have to replace major parts and even the entire elevator earlier than expected? we have had monthly servicing and have been told that the dust present after one month is similar to dust after one year of normal use. We have had 10+ breakdowns a month requiring servicing. We have had multiple instances of passengers stuck in the elevator requiring the fire department to come open the doors. Thanks for your help!!!