Apprentices start out at just under $19 here in Austin (after probation $20-$21, then just under $25 by the time you hit second year). Mechanics are making 37+ an hour currently, likely to go up after the next contract if cost of living in Austin is accounted for.

You are not sworn in until 6 months and/or 1000 hours (last I checked), up until that point any layoffs that occur are forced on the probies, then the first year apprentices, thereafter there is no longer an order (you can layoff a 4th year apprentice before a 2nd year, but not before a first year or proby).

Work in Austin is good, that is why the bench has recently been cleared. Mod work is really blowing up, and I'm sure construction is chugging along just fine. Layoffs do happen, but depending on your value, your tenure, and what department you work in, the risk of layoffs can be greatly reduced. There are guys who haven't been laid off in decades. Also, if you are willing to travel, there is usually work to be found outside your local.

Dues are quarterly, and are a few hundred dollars.

The realistic advice is that if you are making comfortable money with decent benefits already, you might regret your decision the moment you find yourself in the freezing cold in construction slinging rails (heavy lifting). There are many many different facets to this trade and as a new helper you could find yourself in any number of situations that you could love or hate.

Good luck either way, and I wouldn't be surprised if you get a call to work from our BA pretty soon.