Congrats! Although it was about 2xxx people who applied, not 6-8k. I can't believe they're up to 190, my number was in the low 80's and I was worried I would be on the outside looking in. Took them almost two years to call me. I heard a lot of guys turned it down, which could be why they got so high on list.

I've been in new construction for about a year now. So pointers: be at least 15 min early, don't be arrogant -I've noticed this a lot, it's a small community and you don't want to burn any bridges, move fast -but work safe, during break don't be the last one to stand up, take notes on your phone during break on what you did the first have if you worked with a mechanic that way you get the hang of it -a lot of it is repetitive and you don't want to have a mechanic have to keep telling you how do something, at the end of the day don't take your gear off until everything is locked up and all the other apprentices have their's off too.

To everyone who has an interview coming up, I'll give you a tip: DON'T WEAR A SUIT LIKE A DOUCHE. You're interviewing for a tough, nasty, dirty fucking career. The men interviewing you will not be wearing suits and neither should you. Nice work pants, work boots, and a collar shirt work shirt -a clean flannel works.

I saw countless people in suits way back when I went through this. Me: dressed as above and I'm in.

Good luck