Originally Posted By: skilledbutcher73
They really are just basic questions like are scared of heights, do you mind being around loose wires and cramped areas...how did u hear about iuec and how do u get along with others...stuff like that...I know a few guy who failed the interview and they answered the questions pretty much the same as I did,so I really don't know how they grade the interviews.

My interview was more structured than this and much more behavioral interview-type questions. I would definitely look up typical behavioral interview stuff online because it seems like you could either get straightforward questions or more the type that ask you how you would act in certain situations that they're asking about. A friend let me borrow a book called "101 Great Answers to the Toughest Interview Questions" and I thought giving the whole thing a good skim was very helpful. Just remember to try to structure all your answers like

  • Task (what you needed to do)
  • Activity (how you did it)
  • Result (how it turned out/what you learned from it)

and you will seriously do better than most people who go to interviews.

Last edited by coconut; 03/25/16 08:00 PM.