I don't know the total number of members in your local, but I think you should be fine. I know Atlanta is not a big local, like Miami, SF, LA, etc....Keep in mind people get offered the job, only to either not answer their phone when called, have phone disconnected/changed. Or simply just not show up/turn it down. Some just quit on their first day, when they see the high rise they'll be working in, if they work traction. Especially catching the buckhoist up 70 stories +/-.
A newly hired apprentice once quit on us (TKE). I was getting out my car, he introduced himself, i did as well. When he saw the tower we were working on he asked "Is that where we're working at"! I said yes. He asked, are we on the bottom, I said no, we're topping out on rails. See the buckhoist, we have to catch that all the way up. Since the cars were on top, obviously. He said, I can't do this, I'm leaving. I told him, can you leave me your safety bag, and he did.
Long story short, not everyone will take/want the job. So your name will move up on the list rather quickly. Who knows, you might get into Mods/Repairs and not traction.
At least, give it a shot, you might like it!
Good luck.