I have used a Streamlight Strion for 5 years now, I think it is perfect. I also bought the HL version but found it too be too bright and the battery wouldn't last all day with heavy use at that level. I wish they made it in plastic but I don't hold my flashlight with my mouth either, not a germ-a-phobe but I grab that thing with hands covered in crud from hospitals etc. I work for a major and have never been questioned about the metal light.

I also like the Streamlight knucklehead and used it for a year or 2 until I lost it but I no longer carry a big enough bag for that kind of light.

Now for a work light I just wear this little Fluke on my hat. I love it! Not that bright but plenty of light when clipped to my head, it takes a single AAA and I use the Energizer Ultimate Lithium. And it's also a non-contact voltage detector.
