Just be open minded to travel, and you will not have any problems. Getting in is the key, you can transient to another local later if their work picks up and it is closer to "home".

I am local 19, if I travel to the center of our primary, it takes me just over an hour. To hit the northern reach of our primary is an 1:20-1:30 and coming home from that ungodly area would be a 2 hour drive easy. Don't even get me started on if it's a Friday or holiday, or if we started later, say working 8-4:30. I have pulled over and rented motel rooms for 3 hours, solo unfortunately, I have had dinner at strange hours just to let traffic clear, I once went in and watched a movie to let the worst of it pass.

Point is, it's not a job, it's a career, it's a trade. It will take care of you and your family financially all on its own. Imagine not requiring your spouse to work, and still being able to afford a nice home, two cars, vacations... THATS what this career can afford you. What sort of sacrifices are you willing to make? A bit of a commute? Being yelled at when you screw up? Being yelled at when you just look goofy? Buck up, check your feelings at the door.