I was ranked 16 in Richmond; I haven't been called yet. But using a metric I created, your ranking in LA would translate to a #1 or #2 where I am ranked. (This metric is based off the size of the union and the relative ranking (Union1/rank1)=(Union2/rank2). It is very basic and there is more to getting called, but you should be working well before me.

Hawaii for example went through 61 on their list after two years and that could be construed 2.5 candidates called a month for them which is a much much smaller union (215 members in 2014) roughly 10% of Local 18. However, Local 18 has other offices (Las Vegas, San Diego etc) and these offices might have their own lists which would reduce the jobs available and increase your waiting time, regardless, 25 is a very good ranking.

If you have not received an email it may be bad news. You probably didn't get ranked and failed the interview process. I know this from personal experience.

Last edited by hog451; 11/09/16 04:29 PM.