I'm hoping someone can shed a little light on an issue I've been having with this elevator. I've read some earlier posts from others though they didn't quiet answer this problem.

The car will run all day but some time over the night it will get a re-leveling fault then the low oil timmer will kick in. I sat here one night watching this car and of course it ran perfect all night and into the following morning. But since then it is constantly found at the bottom terminal landing with the re-leveling fault / low oil. So I know it's attempting to re-level at some point then low oil will time out. However, it works fine all day long and will also re-level as needed.

I've changed out the HU sensor which gave me a positive response for about 3 days. Then, back to being down every morning. I went ahead and replaced the other 3 sensors but the issue continues to return. All boards appear to to be fine but who know's, again, the car runs all day long.

In an earlier post someone mentioned the cold oil start could possibly be pushing the car up causing a re-leveling fault. They recommended backing out BP but when I arrived on this job cold oil was already disabled. With that said, I wired it back in with hopes for a lucky longshot and wasn't very optimistic about this resolving my issue. Needless to say the problem is still there.

Does anyone have any suggestions? I have the HTT tool which honestly seems very limited although, at least I see the faults. If a board replacement is suggested please specify which one and your opinion on why this would happen overnight.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Love what I do, enjoy the challenge, the elevator industry has made me a much smarter man than I ever would have been.