Long overdue update. First thanks to all for the help and suggestions. After using the service tool to do all that was suggested and learning some of it along the way, I still couldn't get the button light to cancel and the light protection relay to drop out allowing the cab lights to work. Then I tried something I should have tried earlier on.

We have a few Otis LRV duplex jobs where after doing regular maintenance and turning on the power, one car will lock up and hose up everything. Solution, turn off both cars, and reboot 1 then 2. Always works. So, I tried that on the 211's. Halo lights out, light protection back to normal. All good. Played with the service tool to turn outputs off and on and all worked fine.

Since then we've had the cab lights not turn on twice, building manager reset for us, but button light problem has not returned. On these new fangled fancy elevators, I don't question success. So, again thanks to all.