Originally Posted By: jkh
I agree, we've tried to help. It seems he has an agenda. One that only benefits him. So far I am seeing little to no value in his postings. Until I see a change I will no longer participate in his posts.

Why are you mad that I asked a question? Just because something does not act as a 2-way phone does not mean it can't send a distress signal. When I went out on my yacht, we carried a battery powered device that could send out a SOS signal if your boat was sinking in the middle of the ocean.

Not science fiction to ask if something with a transmitter is able to do a distress call. I honestly don't know why asking about a distress signal is so offensive to you.

Cell phones without phone service are still able to do 911 calls regardless on what network you happen to be in range of being.

I am probably going to get the telguard and do the wireless calls for one building and a VOIP box for the other one.

My agenda is elmiininating almost $200 a month phone bill for an empty building. I am trying to be responsible to asking on this forum the right way to do it. If I was like other people I know, they would just cut the phone lines and be done with it.
A simple No to the answer of a distress call would have been fine.

Last edited by SpaceLord; 03/11/17 09:11 PM.