
Usually one elevator = 1 Mechanic and 1 helper. However, that helper can be anything from the apprenticeship or a mechanic that has agreed to be a helper @ 80% rate.

Once an elevator is done they'll move on to another job. The easiest elevator can take from 4 days to 2 weeks to complete.

The building I'm working on has seven elevators with only two crews working. We'll be there until it is finished. Then on to the next job.

This cannot be stated enough, they will hire off the list only as a last resort. If any other guy was laid off they get called before anyone on the list.

Do not compare Locals. LA has roughly 1800 members so yeah, they're at 200 on their list but most locals are roughly 200 members which would mean (everything being equal) that an average local would be on #20. Also, how many guys turn down the job or get run off? LA might be bowing through their list because they can run off anyone and replace them the next day.