Originally Posted By: JHessorz
Anyone with a pair of eyes can physically see the land line piped into said elevator controller.

You harp on people not embracing new wireless technology, what you seem to overlook is the point of the emergency phone itself. Land lines are currently the most reliable way to transmit. I wouldn't want to get trapped and put my life on the line because a landlord or building owner wanted to save a couple bucks.

I see that others have tried to give the same advice and you just keep defending this like you have stock in the wireless companies or something. Perhaps should you should go troll elsewhere.

I see a metal conduit coming from my elevator inside my utility room however it end going into a wall and into a maze of phone wires. You don't know from a casual glance is that is eventually feeding into a wireless communicator or a landline.


In my building room, you can't tell where the elevator line is going.

Moving on, I just asked for a list of companies that make a part for an elevator and I get a list of phony answers and personal attacks.

Its like asking for a list of hybrid car dealers and being told that you are gay for driving an electric car and probably going to die in a car crash for not driving a armored hummer or at least a SUV.

troll by its very definition is what you are doing. I am asking a legit question and being giving false information to provoke a response and attacked personally.

Now if you really do care about safety then you would tell me which one of these companies has the best or worst reputation.Otherwise I will just go with the cheapest.

If you don't like wireless elevator communicators, then get elected to congress and outlaw them or buy your own buildings and pay $200 a month / $2,400 a year for phone lines with less then 3 minutes of usage a year.