Hey Dude, first thing I want to say is, Hog is 100% correct...age has nothing to do with it. My dad was called at the ripe old age of 56, he works for Otis and loves it!

What I can suggest from my experience is, apply to any locals near you or locals you may be willing to relocate to, if this is possible for you (most people will tell you this career is worth it). But, before this, I strongly suggest you make yourself more attractive to your current local or any other (if you choose to pursue this career). By this, i mean...at the very least, go online and complete the "osha 10-hour" certification ($60).

I did this very course AFTER ranking not so good in Local 7 (baltimore)...even though my dad and other mechanics in the local whom I've known for more than 10+ years spoke highly of me.

So, when Local 10 (d.c.) opened up their recruitment just 4 months later I went in and said, "i wasnt extremely happy with my ranking in local 7, so here is what i did since then" and i felt that showed a lot.

To put in perspective, Local 7 has about 400 members and i placed #91...while local 10 has about 1400 members and I placed #32. My odds of being called to Local 10 should be very good...but being called for local 7, not so much.

If you are dead set on joining local 132, take the next couple of years to complete some training. Osha 10-hour and Osha 30-hour will definitely help you rank better next go round...