Hey, everyone. This includes ranger, E311, rac66, koss, uppo, jkh, iggy...I hope I didn't miss anyone. There were so many of you guys that helped me out the last time I was here. This was a while ago but I was always meaning to come back and thank you guys. I was in a totally bad spot and thought I was going to go crazy, literally.... But you guys showed me a little bit of light at the end of the tunnel. I was always meaning to come back and thank you guys. But you know how it is, you come home tired and say you'll do it tomorrow and soon you forget about it. But I never did forget about it and today when I finally got out early today, I told myself to come back here and give a genuine thank you.

To tell you what happened, the manufacturer's rep said that the entire install was a mess. He said that the contractor really screwed up things badly and had a huge list. His strong suggestion was to hire an elevator consulting company to come in and do a full evaluation and follow it to the letter. He recommended 2 companies, one which was Manhattan Elevator Consulting in NYC. He said have them really go over the entire installation inch by inch and list in order which repairs would make the biggest difference. They would also recommend an elevator maintenance company and negotiate a fair contract. We called them but they were charging an amount that we couldn't afford in our budget. (It was a lot!) So, I ended up going from elevator company to elevator company, trying my best to get things to work. It still doesn't work all that well but it's MUCH better.

The elevator shaft and machine room isn't air conditioned so during the summers, the oil overheats and in the winter, the oil gets too thick. We got a heater and cooler that helps with that issue. The elevator's cable still occasionally falls out and the elevator goes down. But not as much anymore. Used to happen like once a week but now it's like 2-3 times a year. I don't know why it's better but I'm guessing it might have something to do with the oil temp.

There are so many things to fix but we can only replace a little by little. And the elevator company that we use, really rips us off like crazy (it's so obvious) but we can't do anything because they are the only nearby elevator company. Even then, they take days to respond sometimes. I've learned to live with the unfairness of it all. You have to or you'll just go crazy with all the anger bottled up inside you. I'm sure many of you guys know what I mean.

Anyway, just wanted to leave a genuine thanks. Hope I could return the favor some day. Peace.