I think you might be leading me in the right direction.

The slowdown device is a Interface Products, Product: LCS, Model IP8300.

It has these LEDs: IPF,LU,LD,DZ,2FP,4FP.

The car does, in fact, slowdown when approaching all floors - even the troublesome top floor.

Here's the new observation though. At the 3rd (top) floor, the 1FP LED is illuminated (same as the first floor!). At rest, the LEDs show 1FP, LD, and DZ (door zone). It does NOT have 4FP illuminated as expected.

I am suspecting that perhaps the magnets were incorrectly put onto the tape at the 3rd floor.

Does anyone have installation info for Interface Products, Product: LCS, Model IP8300, (I have them for the IP8300-PLUS model but that tape has holes in it and a different scheme).