Sad to say...We never found a definite problem with this one. Our motor would run, high speed valve would not come on. We were not getting voltage between TSL3 and UTS1. We checked voltage at AC2 and TSL3 and still no voltage. That eliminated the one switch between AC2 and TSl3. While checking for voltage at the terminals, we would start getting voltage and the thing would run the whole time we were there. All though there were no relays on the board that controlled the high speed coil, we replaced the board and the relays(this is the way it comes from TK). Thought maybe a bad trace. Thing ran fine fro a day or two and then problem came back. So start checking for voltage at the switches and if it you held your mouth just right or stepped on the car just right, it would start working and not show again while we were there.The thing being intermittent was just frustrating. We pulled switch tree off and nothing out of the ordinary.Checked our connections at the selector and again nothing we could point our fingers at. The car is running fine now. Of course we all know it will come back.

I was thinking of replacing the selector board next as this looks like the actual output to the valve between CS5-7 and CS6-15. Can anyone confirm that?