Well that didn't last very long!

Thanks john jay and Vatorgator I did double check those parameters you suggested. ADC scale is at about 2.57V and I made sure that the RPMs are the same in both MSU and drive.

The car started to run into the overhead! This is only happening on a one floor run from the floor below. If we ran it from multiple floors below the top or bottom to top it would come in fine . It would not run into the pit or thru the bottom landing. It's not overshooting any of the other floors in either direction. Please correct me if I'm wrong but If we have a good floor table the MSU is calculating the slowdown distances at all the landings? with terminal interference from the limits how does the car run into the overhead on a one floor run? Could the top landing mag switch be faulty? I can see that we may or may not get both speed switches on the ETS board on a one floor run, in either direction depending on the floor height but we get both every time on a one floor run into the top landing. It seems like the car is trying to get to full speed on that one floor run. Is there a parameter for an alternate profile for a one floor run? I found ALT PL1 & 2 PROFILE but that looks like it has to do with load weighing. We do not have any load weighing device. Thoughts?