I should say that I am far from an expert on LON and don’t work on it very often. But that goes contrary to the way I think of LON working. While you can find a job with an identical cfg file, the nodes have unique addresses, that’s why you have to use the Replace Node, Delete Node, Add Node, Find Node, Functions in Advanced LON Manager. But if that LN worked in another car, and maybe someone else with a better understanding can explain how, I guess you can assume that it’s OK. You probably are going to have to replace the 188e but first you need to rule out the cable. Read LCH1 & LCH2 to ground or the shield, looking for Mohms, unplug the LN and make sure you can read the 188E’s termination resistance from LCH1 to LCH2.

At this point, if the cable checks out, you have to get Advanced LON manager working!