Hi All,

Hope everyone is well.

Just wondering if someone might be able to help me out with a query regarding the Swift Futura Wizard software.

I'm based in central London and have worked on lifts for about 20 years now. Over the last few years the company I work for have inherited a few Swift Futura controllers, which I really enjoy working on, challenging at times but enjoyable. I've fixed lots of different faults on the controllers and external devices, through having the Swift Futura bible and the RVU Wizard box in the motor room but I'm looking to install the wizard software onto a personal laptop, so I can hopefully gain more knowledge and be able to change parameters etc (Recently had to fit timers to keep doors open longer etc).

I have the software files but not sure what spec laptop to buy and what Windows operating system is best to install? I know page 5 on the wizard start up guide lists a spec but I just wanted to check what works the best, before I buy a laptop.

Would this spec be work?

Type: Laptop
Make: Dell
Model: Latitude c640
Storage Type: HDD (Hard Disk Drive)
Hard Drive Capacity: 20 - 40 GB
Memory: 1 GB
Operating System: Windows 98SE
Processor Type: Pentium 4
Graphics Processing Type: ATI
Processor Speed: 2.00 GHz

If someone could help me out on this I would really appreciate it.

Kind regards,
