I’m trying to be clear about which files we are talking about. The correct files may not be on the stick. Or one may be corrupted. Leave the BOOT jumper on 2-3, put only the generic and job file from the other car in the update folder and try to load that. If you get a watchdog, put the correct job file in the update folder, no generic, load that. If you get a watchdog, you should be good to go, if you do not, your job file is corrupt. Ideally there are 2 job files on the job stick. The factory unadjusted that will be in a folder named the job number at the root of the drive, and an adjusted file in the backup folder. Try the unadjusted file. If no WD with the other car’s software and you have a recover file, move the boot jumper and run recover, then start with the other car’s software, etc.