Are you seperately powering the gate circuit for the indicator light to work?

I've had building bus blow up, starter panels melt down, and I kept an old selenium rectifier around for high rise rescue. I rigged it to run single phase which gave me about 180 VDC when plugged into a wall outlet. Then disconnect the brake wires from the controller and hook rectifier to brake wires. Then position a comrade at the next available landing with the hoistway doors open, and communicating with me via phone or walky talky.

Do Not move the car in this method more than about one revolution at a time. Car can get away from you if you do more. I put a knife switch in series with the brake coil as well. Watch out for the ARC..IR is hell on that collapsing field of that big ass brake coil.

I've only had to do it twice in about 35 years, but it did work, and it is memorable.

I ask about the indicator light on the gate circuit, because the old method I used, as described above when dinasours walked the earth...The control was powered down.

It Don't mean a thing if it aint got that swing.

Cool, Free, Johnny Smith courtesy of NPR..HERE