Originally Posted by Hernandez
Ranked 117. Out of how many? Seems like I'll have to wait 2yrs to get called up if they even get to 117. What are the odds I could get called up? What does it take to get a good number in the interview process? Any suggestions from those that got good rankings would be helpful

Looking at Denver’s historical numbers as to how many apprentices got hired, I’d guess at 117 your chances are unfortunately slim. With that being said, don’t let your ranking get you down. Maybe consider other locals, there’s a number of locals either currently accepting applications or will soon be accepting. (Boise, Albuquerque, Salt Lake) I recommend applying for a few. In the mean time, think about how your Denver interview went and try to figure out how to better sell yourself, rehears your answers and follow the question/answer format.

There’s a lot of informative videos on the NEIEP YouTube page I recommend watching, you may not get a lot of helpful info from the videos, but you never know.

Personally I bombed my interview in Seattle ranking in the 160’s but ranked in the top 15 in Denver. It’s all about how you sell yourself. Your next interview, relax, be yourself, be truthful of the traits you possess that could help you be successful in the industry, yet don’t exaggerate what you have done. Good luck and grats for at least getting ranked.