We received an enormous quote for the software update on our 4 year old elevators.
Is Tac50 a software that only our service contractor can update (proprietary) or can we shop around for a better price?

Here is the scope of work.

Scope of Work
Door Lock Monitoring - Tac 50 Software Upgrade: 4-Elevators 1P48026-9
NYC Building Code 3.10.12 (Appendix K3) requires that buildings install a system to monitor location of doors to ensure passenger safety. The system will prevent the elevator from operating if the sequence of car door locks and gate contacts are not made up in the appropriate order. All NYC buildings must be code compliant by 1/1/2020.
In order to accommodate the new code, we propose to furnish the necessary labor and materials to install door lock monitoring software on the Tac 50 Controller (32Bit).