Local19, NI here. Guys we are gonna get through this. Personally, I think it's going to be a six week window. We closed Washington state over 2800 cases or so, in two weeks time we will be triple or more of that number, so expect the time down to be extended.

I try and take the time to train my apprentices for occasions like this. Learn to live within your means, budget off your hourly only, save all perdiem, zone pay, overtime for "oh Crap" funds. The last 20 years we have a ton of scares, from 9/11, (locally the Nisqually quake), bird flu, swine flu, Zika virus, Ebola, you name it. Any one of these things had the ability to be catastrophic to a local or national economy.
We make damn good money, save some so you have the ability to coast these sorts of issues out.

For me personally, I was scheduled for vacation time anyways, I am taking it so some other union brother is able to work just that little bit more. Be safe out there ladies and gentlemen, and I will see you all on the other side of this.