Working in the family business currently - dad started it 25+ years ago. I think most people look at owning a business as being your own boss therefore its great but the reality is you are putting in so much additional work (which you may not be compensated for) in order to ensure the success of the business. Employees work for one thing only and that is money, remember they have a family, bills, etc so don't take it personally. Its definitely getting tiring with the ups and downs - one minute youre on the right path everything is running smooth and then out of nowhere everything turns and your back in the Crap fighting your way out.

I am personally in a struggle right now with where to go.... I am running the business with my dad still and i truly love it for the most and am grateful to be in this position but at the same time the amount of time required for the business and seeing how much time i'm losing with my family is starting to take a toll. Currently considering making a few significant changes that would remove me from the business and in turn hopefully afford me more time with my family. Bottom line is, it's definitely not as glamorous as people think but it can be great if youre willing to forgo certain luxuries in life.