Dover T4 (duplex 5 stops) trapping people intermittently, takes about 2 hours of running to warm up and create faults. 54, 56 and 628 faults. Car tries to run 3 times then needs a TFR
I have changed
1. MC and BK contractors along with their Aux.
2. C1 contactor and Aux. (below drive main contactor)
3. Changed BKO, BKI, BK2, BK3, MCI, GL, WDPF, GL, DRDY, DE Modules
4. All of the 120v ice cube relays above brake relays.

No clue where to go with this car has been off line for 2 months now. Customer getting frustrated as well as me.

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Last edited by Dpless95; 01/13/21 02:22 AM.