So the car traveling down in Phase I will stop, then restart, and continue down to the fire recall floor, with the unknown wire off of the terminal, correct? Then if the car is traveling to an up call, and the car goes into Phase I, and you open the HW door it will stop, but not re-start. This also with the wire off, correct? It seems to be the safest with the wire off, as long as everything checks out in normal service. Correct? So the problem becomes how to get the car to re-start back down to the fire floor in Phase I. This is what I gather out of this. It could be a parameter or bad CPU, or bad input/output. You need to see what relays, inputs/outputs are high or low when the issue occurs. Is there another unit to look at? Also if the car is too close to the bottom floor when it goes into recall, it may not search down. Just some thoughts. good luck.