Hello folks. New member to site & from what I've seen so far it's really very good. Here's my problem and I'd love your feedback;

Elevator approaches terminal landing, slowdown and level are ok. It begins door opening cycle (no pre door). Car door open's at full speed, stops at halfway point in the opening cycle, and then reverses to a full speed close cycle (scanner edge is positively ineffective). The door then closes fully.

Job particulars: 11 story passenger elevator. 2001-2002 vintage MCE IMC-MG controller with an associated GAL MODL operator (single speed, horizontal slide. opens to left standing inside the elevator). Tritronics scanner edge.

I have not seen this happen but two trusted, intelligent people in the building have. I have my thoughts but don't want to contaminate the thought process. So what do you guys think? Any input is appreciated.