Originally Posted by Jcjmowrey
I’ve got a 400a that another mechanic changed the cop board in an attempt to fix a PI issue. It ran afterward a few times but then shutdown. I went out today and it runs on inspection and brakes pick like they should. When I flip it to normal the drive sounds like it’s trying to run but no brake pick. The acum board on the controller door has a 1 instead of 0 meaning “contract speed isn’t known”. If I run it on inspection and hold down learn speed button on acum board the 1 changes to 0 then to 6 shortly after car stops. Any info on how to get this contract speed learned?. I have cadi but no SIM card. I can’t remember exact fault but it just had to do with a failed attempt to run/move.

COP board has nothing to do with the ACUMNA board, you have another issue.

You cannot "Learn Contract Speed" running on inspection speed.

With a "1" fault on ACUMNA Board you have to reset it back to ZERO in order to run on auto.
Once you do this if you have NO other issues then you can run on auto to now perform the "Learn Contract Speed" procedure correctly.

And cadi will work fine without sim card