My scanner isn't big enough, but a friend pointed out that taking photos with a camera works pretty well. I've done that and converted the prints to three PDFs:
boards.pdf: the 16 prints that were mounted to boards and hung in the machine room for easy viewing
sheets13.pdf: a set of 13 loose sheets, with duplicates
sheets9.pdf: a set of 9 loose sheets, with duplicates

The files are big because the resolution is pretty high, so I can't attach them to this message. I've put them at, but I can't guarantee that they'll stay there forever. Let me know if there's a more permanent place I can put them.

There are various handwritten revisions on the prints, reflecting changes that were made over the years. I like the note on one of the loose sheets that says "Take care of prints, they probably aren't buying new elevators anytime soon." Well, it only took them 57 years...