elmcannic Im certainly no expert, are you? Im sure your not on a forum for just giving advice. Surely you have gained knowledge and opinion from others since 2010.
What is more disturbing to me is working for a CET/ QEI that owns a registered elevator company and has never installed or serviced ever. Better yet put unqualified persons to do the work and figure it out on their own. I have worked along side "mechanics" with 10-15 years "experience" and they don't know where to start with wiring better yet read a schematic.
no b.s. I have 5 years experience, licensed, and do pretty damn good install/service. Certainly don't pride my self with perfection but I give my best effort.

Ive done a hand full of hydro seal replacements, couple telescopic twin posts (1 beings two weeks ago), 1 casket lift jack, and assembled 4 tradesman twin post jacks.
To reseal a jack in this area runs about 8-15k.(depending who does it) But facilities like this one would leave it running rough till an inspector or monitor writes them up.
Therefor I reach out to the community for advice and knowledge to attempt a bare minimum fix to resolve the issue.
I prefer to give the better effort but they don't want to pay for best result. You definitely should understand this part being in the field as long as you have.

The better the effort, the better the result.