So as many of you know, there is a latching relay supply issue. The relay company in Illinois who use to make them closed up shop. There is a problem with the Mexico supply chain. Sees has started making their own but are having issue with the quality. Adams is now reselling sees at a 100% mark up and Vertical Express now wants over $1,200 for a 220V latching relay. So, I came up with a $100 solution. Replace the latching relays with two normal relays. Then add an AUX relay for 1A and TA. Use a spare set on contacts on 2S and 3S and we have a replacement layout. Takes up a little more space, but if not available a 6x8 box is easy to attach to the controller.

Attached Files
latchrelayreplace1a.jpg (60 downloads)
latchrelayreplace2a.jpg (55 downloads)