Hi, during the last months I did learn a lot.

The door boards 6300PY1 and 6300PY3 in fact WILL WORK on the DMC, but it needs the eprom code 675-ET4. Those boards come with eprom code 675-HA2 for the TAC-20. With code HA2 on DMC, the board will obey open/close door pressing the board buttons, but WILL NOT communicate with CLC. It needs the 675-ET4, then it runs nice, found this by chance.

The DMC CLC board 6300BP4 will run with 675-DK4, DK6, DK11, DK13, being the DK13 the most recent I saw around. DK11 and DK13 has some extra CLC adjustments on IMS, and allows car cycle setting mode 86. Change 86 to floor A, enter enter and save, change 86 to floor B and enter enter but don't save. Car will cycle between floors A & B.

I don't know what extra improvement they made on DK13 from DK11, curious to know.

CLC uses Eprom chips 27C256 speed 70ns, but it runs nicely with chips -100ns and even -120ns, since clock is 7.3MHz and the processor 68HC09 use 2 clock cycles to read the eproms, so more than 270ns.

The DMC Selector board 6300CV3 with eprom 675-JK1 (25C512). The eprom socket is longer than the eprom. Eprom has 28 pins, socket has 32 pins, The eprom bottom is aligned near reset switch, the socket top 4 pins is unused, 1, 2, 31 and 32. It is easy to confuse. The bottom 32k of the 27C512 is unused and empty, I don't know why they did that, maybe expecting future expansions or upgrades. Technically a 27C256 will work, but I didn't tested yet, since the A15 addressing pin is N.C. on the 27C256 and the eprom will answer when this pin is active or not, so, will answer as a 27C512 upper bank.