So the motion regions are shown in the error log screen. The 1st digit is the mode, normal is 1, inspection is 2, relevel is 3, search is 4. The 2nd digit is the region the error occurred, it is the accel/decl and starts at 0, peaks at 4, and ends at 0, like a sine wave.The 3rd digit on the screen is, 0 is stop, 1 is up, and 2 is down. One thing you can check is the 12vdc power supply for the position encoder. sometimes they ran wires from the MR down to the cartop for the 12vdc. It is best to pick this voltage up from the Zap board that powers the Readers. The encoder doesn't care where the 12vdc comes from as long as it is steady 12vdc.Prob could use a 12vdc battery just to check.